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Thanks Moira

Last night we had another superb Zoom meeting organised by Moira who has been outstanding this last year by using her contacts and friends to help keep the members entertained and in contact through these crazy times.

We had Michael Jordan from High Jinx show us some tricks and tell us about his career and travels which all of the members present thoroughly enjoyed.

Below is the rest of the Syllabus compiled by Moira for the coming weeks/months and as usual she is open to ideas and suggestions from the members as to what we have on each week.

For our meetings coming up we have the following arranged:

Wednesday 17th March - Michael Jordan

Wednesday 24th March - Ace Magic Studio

Wednesday 31st March - Michael Diamond, Houdini talk

Wednesday 7th April - Will Houston and Harry De Cruz (I will put up more information about this one in a few days time)

Wednesday 14th April - a chat night for members

Wednesday 21st April - A history of Magic - talk by our own Alan (or Dave if you prefer!)

Wednesday 28th April - TBC

Wednesday 5th May - TBC

Wednesday 12th May - TBC

Wednesday 19th May - TBC

Wednesday 26th May - Pentacle Club Entertains

I am waiting to hear back from a couple of folk and have some other names to still follow up. Hopefully we can get at least some of the TBC evenings filled in. Also, SCA members will be returning the favour to the Pentacle Club and we will entertain them for a evening. At the moment this will be a date in June. We will be looking for performers and we will create a show which we can present. Let me know if you want to take part and then we can see what we have to pull together a show.

From all at the SCA thanks again Moira and it would be great if we could get a few more members coming along to these nights as you are missing out on some fun Nights and you could also take part in the great sandwich debate!!



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