Just to confirm that our club meetings will be cancelled until further notice. Please share with friends of the club who may not know.
Due to Covid-19 the committee have taken the decision to cancel meetings for the safety of all our members and hopefully things will return to normal in the near future.
It looks as though the situation with the outbreak is not going to improve anytime soon and we may find ourselves in lockdown the way Spain and other countries are. Should this be the case I am sure life will be hard for a lot of people, I certainly was at a low point once my bookings started getting cancelled and realised as well as holiday's being cancelled I would have no money coming in (fortunately my wife still gets paid so we are ok).
A walk in the fresh air cleared my head and I came home with a better attitude and felt a bit more optimistic.
I hope everyone is managing to cope ok but if at anytime anyone gets a bit down or is struggling don't be worried about contacting a fellow club member, even if you are fed up and it is just for a chat or if it is more serious and you need something. It will be a good time to get those magic books out as well as props that have been hidden in a drawer for years and https://www.lybrary.com/ is a good resource for downloads.
If you are not on facebook and would like to keep in touch please send me your phone number and I will try to message you whenever I update facebook.
Take care, stay safe and keep in touch.